Beat the Spring Rush

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Real Estate

Check here once a week to watch the home market with us. together, we'll see the ebb and flow of what happens in home availability and sales in our 3-county area of Western North Carolina. What you see here is a snapshot. We dive much deeper than what you see in this snippet, so call us any time yiou have a question about anything related to residential real estate. 

We anticipate a Spring rush with more homeowners deciding to dream more toward a home purchase. Start now to prepare for your sale and beat the rush. This week's report shows an average number of Days on Market for all residential properties is 68. Of course, we all hea the stories of the homes that jump under contract within hours of being available. These are not the norm. This means, that if you added your home to the ones available right away, you will be selling and moving in about two months, maybe three. 

When is a good time to sell a home? The simple answer is, when you need to or want to.

Our question to you is simple, what's your dream? You know what you want. Our job is to come alongside and help make it happen. It starts when you schedule a strategy session. It takes about an hour. We will sit together and sketch out a plan. The strategy session has a value of $500, but we offer our time for free to qualified sellers. Here's a handy link to schedule your strategy session. Let's have a chat together.