The view form the first of March into the rest of 2025 looks active. Nationally, the volume of sales is steady with a prediction of the transfer of 4.2 million homes. This is a slight uptick from 2024. The number of buyers needing a home is greater than the number of homes available. This is also true in most neighborhoods around Western North Carolina. We still are in a "Seller's Market" and premier homes are garnering plenty of attention.
One of the age-old questions that we hear, "When's the best time to sell a home?" has an easy answer. You know when you feel the need to be in a different place and that's when you need to sell. It's always a good time. However, putting a professional strategist on your team will help you make your move more successful. It takes a plan to properly present a home to potential buyers. It takes a plan for buyers to successfully work with a lender, discover the right property, and then negotiate the right terms.
Count on the professional that keeps up with the market every day to guide your decisions. You'll be pleased with the results.